Identify bottlenecks of operation inneficiency and gain new business insights to support decision making.
Schedule a demonstrationOffer more transparency to management, consolidating the information available about the institution.
Assists in decision making and forecasting trends.
Monitors, in real time, the processes and performance of all areas of the institution by means of intelligent dashboards and with various sectoral displays.
Enables the management of assistance, administrative and financial indicators for follow-up and control of the institution's results.
Defines strategies which assist in standardizing the business, service and quality management.
Facilitate the achievement of accreditation and certification of the institution.
Defines and maps workflows in an automated manner.
Offer more transparency to management, consolidating the information available about the institution.
Binds all information (goals, projects, indicators and people) to the strategy, making it quick and easy to make decisions and analyze impacts.
Ensures access to information at any given moment and anywhere by means of tablets and smartphones applications
Leads the organization to improve its processes by means of the PDCA methodology.
Has mobile application for most modules, increasing productivity.